日本農薬学会 Pesticide Science Society of Japan
HOME 学会誌 Journal of Pesticide Sciende39巻キーワード索引

第39巻 キーワード索引

 (Jが付いたページは日本農薬学会誌、付いていないページは Journal of Pesticide Science の掲載論文です。)

acaricide  J69
acceptable dairy intake  J195
acetolactate synthase  J58
acetylated glyceride  91
active absorption  43
adjustable parameters  J145
adverse effects  174,J115
agricultural chemicals regulation law  J187
agroecology  172, J108
Aichi  J174
Alopecurus aequalis  J63
γ-aminobutyric acid  133
amitrole (3-amino-1,2,4-triazole)  115
analytical portions  J1
anti-androgenic activity  181
anticholinesterase activity  48
antifungal activity  187
aphid  179, J127
apple  29
application timing  1
Arabidopsis thaliana  85
Aspergillus clavatus  127
ATP-binding cassette transporter subfamily C2  J33
auxin  85

Bacillus thuringiensis  J33
barley  1
Bemisia tabaci  91
benomyl wettable powder  J10
benzamide derivatives  187
benzoylphenylureas  J18
benzylcarbamate fungicide  177, J121
bioactivity  22
bioassay  22
biochemical pesticide  48
bioconcentration  55
biodiversity conservation  172, J108
biolm bioreactor  127
biological control  127
Bombyx mori  J33
Botrytis cinerea  177, J48, J121
brassinosteroid  159

chelation with Fe2+  J78
chemical library  J137
China  7
chitin synthesis inhibitors  J18
chlorophenols  174, J115
cis-cinnamic acid analogues  85
classical QSAR  J18
Coleoptera  76
community responses  172, J108
competitive antagonist  133
compound library  159
courting pair  91
Cry1Ab  J33
Cucumis sativus L.  121
cumulative impacts  172, J108

2,4-D  174, J115
deoxynivalenol (DON)  1
diacylhydrazine  76
dihalopropene  J83
diphenyl ether  187
dissipation  22
distribution rate constant  J145
DNA microarray  85
dose-response curve  165
duckweed  174, J115

ecdysone receptor  76
ecological risk assessment  172, J108
effect of food on human health  J195
entomopathogenic fungi  127
environmental conditions  14
enzymes  55
Epilachna vigintioctopunctata  76

fenoxasulfone  J153
fipronil  J41 
flonicamid  179, J127 
flubendiamide  J161 
fluopicolide  43 
food additive  91
Food Safety Act  J202
Food Safety Basic Act  J195
Food Safety Commission  J195
frog  55
fungicide  J69, J89
fungicide resistance  J53, J89
fungicide-resistance  J48
Fusarium head blight (FHB)  1

GABA receptor  133
GABA type A receptor   144
Gene Ontology analysis  85
genetic manipulation  J137
germination stimulant  121
gibberellins  159
glycine receptor  144

Hammett role  J145
Hansch-Fujita method  J18
Harmonia axyridis  76
headed lettuce  69
hedgerow exposure  14
herbicide  165, J69
herbicide resistance  J58, J63
herbicide runoff  J134
N-heterocyclic compound  115
high throughput screening  J137
HPLC  43
4-HPPD inhibitor  J78
human  181
hydrophobic organic pollutant  162
1-hydroxy-1H-benzotriazole  115

IKF-5411  J89
imidacloprid  J41
iminopyridazine  133
inhibitor  170, J103
insect  133
insecticidal activity  187
insecticidal diamides  J161
insecticide  133, 144, 179, J69, J83, J127
insecticide resistance  7, J41
insecticides  7
integrated management  J63
interactions  22
IPM  179, J127
isofetamid  J89
isoxazoline  J153

juvenile hormone  98

KIH-485  165
Kochi  J168

LFER  J145
LH-2010A  43

M. grisea  152
malus domestica  29
maximum residue limit  J202
MBI-D fungicides  J53
melanin biosynthesis inhibitors  152
metabolism  55, 181
metabolites  181
meta-diamide  144
metconazole  1
methyl viologen dichloride  115
microbial degradation  174, J115
minor crop  J168, J174
miticide  J83
Monte Carlo simulation  J134
muskmelon  36
mutant library  J137

natural enemy  91
neem bark extract  48
Nilaparvata lugens  98
nitrous oxide emission  115

oak mass mortality  J10
OoI  177, J121
organic acid  162
organic carbon quality  105
Orobanche minor  121

paddy mesocosms  172, J108
paddy water management  J134
paddy weeds  J58
permethrin  98
pesticide  55, J168, J187
pesticide application  69
pesticide intake  J202
pesticide registration  J174
pesticide residue  36, 69, J1
pesticide residues  172, J108
pesticides  29, 105
pH  22
Phelipanche ramosa  121
phytoremediation  162
phytotoxicity  J48
plant cultivation  69
plant growth retardants  159
polyketide synthase  152
pome fruits  J1
polyphenol oxidase  68
ponasterone A  76
positive list system  J202
process-based model  J134
protected designation of origin (PDO)  29
protected geographical indication  29
Pseudoperonospora cubensis  43
pyrethrum  48
pyribencarb  177, J48, J121
pyridalyl  J83
pyroxasulfone  22, 165, J153

QoI  J48
QoI fungicides  J53
QuEChERS method  29

Raaelea quercivora  J10
rat  181
RDL GABA receptor  144
registration  J168, J187
repellent  91
repression of N2O emission  115
resistance  J33
resurgence  98
rice blast  152
rice planthoppers  J41
risk analysis  J195
river biofilm  174, J115
ryanodine receptor  J161

salithion  174, J115
sample size reduction  69, J1
sample-size reduction  36
SDHI fungicides  J53
separate analysis  36
separately analysis  J1
soil microflora  174, J115
soil properties  105
soil sorption  105
solid-state fermentation  127
species differences  181
spinosad  48
Spodoptera exigua  7
spray distribution  14
spray nozzles  14
steady-state approximation model  J145
strigolactone  170, J103
strigolactones  121
strobilurins  J48
structure-bioactivity relationship  85
submerged fermentation  127
sucking insect  179, J127
sulfonylurea  J58
synthesis  187, J69

2,4,5-T  174, J115
tolprocarb  152
topical application  J41
triazole  170, J103
trunk injection  J10

uncertainty  J134
uniform limit  J202

variability  J134
veratrine  48
vitellogenin  98

watermelon  36
wheat  1
wing-dimorphism  98
